Unschooled Artist July -2017


Perception. What is real? There are far lesser things than we know which are in their true form. Everything that we see is a fragment of several reflections. From this art work maybe I have depicted ‘Perception.’ May be not. It’s how you see it. The straight line represents reality against the cluster of mirrors. The mirrors are the people who spread the first word. And the mirrors unseen are the people who see the first mirrors to form their judgement. We often perceive other’s perception. Whoever sees the mirrors individually or collectively is in-fact looking at the reality as a part and not whole with a mandatory difference. Because no one can reflect anything exactly the same to the last point. In simpler words, each and everything which we experience can never be described as it really is. Nothing can be copied ditto. And nothing can be acknowledged the way it is. Whatever we learn in this world comes to us through many filters. As many times as it propagates, it changes.

To explain with an example, if I see a round object coming towards me, I might presume it’s speed, the changes in it’s shades as light’s intensity changes with the distance or that it is going to hit me or that it could benefit me with it’s usefulness. These parameters can change if the environment is different or the mirror (mind) is different. Another example could be of the way a child behaves with you. The things you read in it are endless. None of them are the real intention of that person (child).

What we feel is just the reflection of what we have Perceived.

