Advance Asanas


I have always been someone who craves a strong connection with my physical being. And I savour the time I spend on the magical 14-square-feet patch that is my yoga mat. The mat has been with me through changes in age, moods, careers, and relationships. I have seen myself broken apart and put back together countless times on my magical mat. And sometimes I’ll get on the mat, and just lay there. But I have also learned how to fly, float,
and meet myself at the edges of my psyche where I am most afraid, resistant, and vulnerable. I’ve done this exploring the advanced postures that come with time, patience, and practice.

“Advanced asana” is a relative term, and it does not necessarily imply advanced yoga. An enlightened being might rock a one-arm handstand, but such physical prowess does not imply enlightenment. This is an increasingly muddled distinction, with the onslaught of beautiful people in beautiful and crazy contorted postures seen as way to package, or “sell” yoga. Even I was intrigued when Madonna showed off her serious asana skills and Christy Turlington graced the cover Time floating on her hands in lotus position. Though I was excited, I know plenty who were put off by the display and found it intimidating. Often I see people reject asana photography and ask, “Isn’t yoga supposed to be about relaxing, stretching, and chilling out?”

“Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the
person who sees.”

  -B.K.S. Iyengar

