Stefan Mathew – Singer and Guitarist


Just like fish to water, Stefan took to music at a tender age in his life where he would tap the table to create rhythmic patterns. He started out with percussions in school playing the congo and drums. Along with his School and Junior College journey, he dabbled into learning Western Classical Piano. Music is unlimited and so should be the urge to learn it. This made him take up Guitar as one more medium of expression. He has been appearing for music exams conducted by the Trinity College of Music, London. He’s been fortunate to taste triumph at almost all the College cultural fests in Nagpur including VNIT, RKNEC, IMT etc., winning the rock band and singing competitions. He has given stunning performances at National cultural festivals including Mood Indigo (IIT Bombay) and Rendezvous (IIT Delhi). Currently pursuing Architecture, final year, Stefan has plans to study music abroad and dwell into the intricate aspects of music arrangement and composition. Performing on stage is something which will always remain his first love as he feels that’s when an artist is put to test.




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