Unschooled Artist March – 2017


From this suspended installation I have represented ‘Self’ with a Rubik’s cube. I feel that each person is a very complicated being, and personally find Rubik’s cubes pretty hard to solve. When I twist it to solve, I often mess it up and the sides are no longer the same. Likewise, I think that when a person is twisted in different situations, his/her personality, mood, behaviors change in accordance with the circumstance. But, no matter how difficult the cube is, there is always a solution that only the person who invests time can discover.

Each side of the cube has a different story. Each side is made with a different form of wood to give structure to my thoughts as I feel closest to nature.

There is a faint glow in the centre of every panel as I firmly believe that happiness is a conscious choice. It originates within. The inner side of the cube is lined with green moss as my spirituality is my inner nature and green must be God’s favorite colour to paint nature with. Earlier, I used to Bottle up my Experiences thus I broke a glass bottle as a symbolic gesture to mark its end. The bottle’s blue glass pieces are my passion and needs. The red ones represent my desires.

As I am growing up my needs and wants are attaining clarity and becoming one transparent piece. These glass pieces have not been shaped as defining them would contradict my belief of Undefined Intentions. Each side of the cube has its own expression and elaborate explanation.

Some have scars and some have hope. Some have societal influence while some have my impressionable childhood. Stretching the Edges are white stones which are my family and friends who help me reach beyond boundaries while keeping me grounded.




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